Friday, January 05, 2024

Wear shit like this at the gym and guys aren't supposed to look?

I laugh everytime I see this kinda stuff. A woman is wearing stuff like this to the gym and a guy isn't supposed to look? SERIOUSLY! Make that make sense! Note I didn't say that what a woman wears means she's asking to be raped, but I AM SAYING that wearing shit like this is gonna grab eyeballs. Its only natural. The women know it and so do guys. But the true mind fuck is that (at least in vids....never seen this in real life yet....maybe its the gym I go to) you see women in vids all the time talking to dudes like they have a tail cause they do look. Amazing.

Note.  Save the hate and anger.  I know this is ancient thinking.  I know its not applicable in the modern age.  I KNOW its "wrong think".

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