Sunday, January 07, 2024

Why does our govt seem so uncoordinated? Because each dept is doing its own thing....without informing the white house

This might seem like no big deal to the majority here but to me it speaks volumes. This is simple. Austin is a military man and knows the deal. If you're a commander and you're incapacitated then your number 2 takes over till you're good to go. We saw that with the Commandant of the Marine Corps after he suffered a heart attack.

The idea that the SecDef would be hospitalized, sent to ICU and for the white house not to be informed till far into the process is crazy.

To think that this would go on with the world aflame is insane.

I won't even get into the mindset that comes with a #2 being informed the boss is down for a bit and they remain on vacation during a time like this.

The crazy thing is that this is happening in the dept of defense. If this is happening there then it is obvious that we have little kingdoms in the Biden admin and that there is no coordination.

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