Saturday, February 24, 2024

Hailey is sticking around for two TRY and knock down Trump and to keep the primary contest open so the trials can continue

 Its obvious now.

The only reason why Hailey is sticking around is because she's a creature of the DC swamp, she's a globalist, the Dems luv her (monied class too) and to keep the primary contest open so that the Federal Trial can continue.

That's it.

That female is done.  She has no chance and she knows it but the money will continue to flow.

She is aiding the democrats and the globalist in their efforts to keep Trump off the ballot.

My prediction?

Biden will now act to give the image that he's trying to solve the border issue.  He has to.  It's too big an issue.  The only thing I question is whether or not he will be forced to deport all the thugs and terrorists he let in.

The prosecutors of the federal trial will attempt to accelerate things. The case in Georgia fell apart.  No chance of that resurrecting.  They have to get that thing moving or they will have to freeze it or the Justice Dept will be accused of interfering with the election due to their prosecution of the candidate that the Republican party put forward.

It was a nice little plan they put together they just put it together too late.  Ya know the perfect plan too late is a bad plan jazz.

The only thing I wonder about is Nikki.  Why would she burn herself so badly with such a sizeable part of her party.  We've seen what happens to Republicans that try and make the switch. It always end up badly and they're like a whore that's been used by every member of a Rifle Platoon....a fucking mess on the floor that gets tossed off the 2nd floor balcony.

Nikki is done politically.  She can only count on jobs in the UN or academia.  The plan is fried.  They can't accelerate the court case in time for Trump to be declared the Republican candidate for President.

I'm repeating myself.  Good plan just too late.

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