Saturday, March 02, 2024

Cartel boss telling Mexican Police to back off...


Wow. You watching this? I take away a couple of things. The first is that the cartel boss is high as hell. He keeps repeating himself even though he's getting the answer he wants. His comprehension is compromised. Second. This is a straight up power play. He just don't want compliance, he wants subservience. Third. Someone pulled him back or he pulled him back but he regained a bit of composure at the end. But the biggest and most troubling thing about this is that its coming to a place near you. With what the current President of the United States allowed into the country I just don't see how local law enforcement will be able to stand up to this. We're talking about more than crime. We're talking about quasi national threats that are operating inside our country. Prepare to see Rangers conducting ops in a community near you.

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