Saturday, March 23, 2024

Monty Python nailed the "Royals" as a power perfectly

I bitched and moaned that Fox News spent about 2 hours talking about a princess having cancer, treatable cancer, on their news cast when we have so many other REAL, HARD news going on in the US and the world. I went on to say that its irrelevant and that I don't care just like no one but me and mine cared when my mother suffered from the disease. Just like no one cares about everyone of my readers that is dealing with their issues on the personal level with no fan fare.

But no.

A certain reader got all ass hurt.


I said it before and I'll say it again.  The British royals are simply a drain on the coffers of the British people.  They are ultra high class welfare recipients and its all dressed up because they were born into a certain family and/or are/have fucking a person born into the blood line.

Change my mind.

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