Friday, March 22, 2024

Russia already caught one of the terrorists and ISIS takes responsibility for the attack?

Give the Russian security forces credit on this one. They caught this bubba quick. He's in for a terrible few days and will be lucky (relatively) to survive the night. Cooperate and die easy or don't and die ugly. Terrible choices when your words will doom your comrades...well since death is inevitable I guess there is only one option upon further reflection. Better an ugly death than betrayal. Although I have to wonder why an ISIS terrorist would even allow himself to be captured rather than take out as many as possible once they were closing in. This piggybacks other posts today. Why would ISIS do this. Makes no sense. This seems like some spy games going on. We know Ukraine Intel has done some rather batshit silly shit with the aid of individual allies. Remember the attack on the pipeline and they tried to blame the Russians (and many bought it too) for hitting their own pipeline. The blame shift to ISIS will be accepted by the sheeple but not by me.

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