Thursday, March 21, 2024

Russia/Ukraine war has brought back INDUSTRIAL warfare. We're not ready, our allies are not ready & our love affair with precision weapons will doom us...

Have you been keeping up with Russian air strikes? Yeah they've developed their version of guided bombs but the bigger concern is illustrated here. The Russians along with their Iranian (drones), N. Korean (ballistic missiles/artillery shells) and Chinese (only God knows what...their participation has been dramatically downplayed) have reintroduced the West to something we thought dead. Industrial warfare. The scariest thing in my opinion is that they're using our love affair with precision weapons to gain ground. The US and Allies continue to talk about precision guided weapons when we're seeing Russian forces blanket grid squares with artillery fire. They use simple drones to blanket an area and knock out priority target like energy production plants. Ya know whats crazy? Our infatuation with expeditionary warfare isn't helping. Do you remember a time when vehicles were proofed against 155mm shell fragments? Dispersion is fine but once located and the enemy destroys your grid square in order to hit you then dispersion at the last mile failed. We've got to adjust but it seems that the MIC will only provide for the most expensive instead of most effective solutions possible.

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