Friday, March 22, 2024

Russia/Ukraine war is just mirrors. US officials tell Ukraine to stop attacking Russian oil sites cause it drives up world oil prices

Just plain wow.

Wrap your head around this shit.  Ukrainian generals launch an ill conceived offensive that eats up men and material and the advisors sit on their hands.

Ukrainian men and now women are sent in foolhardy assaults straight into fortified positions and most don't bat an eye.

Ukraine hits energy sites and now they're raising an alarm?

I'm telling ya.  For some reason people in power LIKE war.  For some reason they have no issue and no sympathy for the people that they send to fight and die in the wars they start.

This war has been "off" from the start.  

I seriously believe it could have and should have been avoided.  The powers that be like war so they pushed it forward.

We're being led by devils that will consume us all if we continue to allow them free reign.

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