Sunday, March 31, 2024

Taurus cruise missile production stopped...

Interesting. There are tons of cruise missiles available in the world and the easiest way (if past is prologue) to get more missiles for Ukraine would be to go to S. Korea that has a very robust defense industry, and simply buy some from them for Ukraine's use. They're not doing that though. They keep pounding on Germany. Why? It has to be politics. What has me spinning is that Europe AND the United States are literally breaking themselves to fund/supply this war. The strategy didn't work. Seizing Russian funds will simply put the nail in the coffin of this jacked up worldwide financial system. God knows its already teetering as we speak. Sanctions have been overused and are now damn near irrelevant. Oil as a weapon only hurts the West. There are no more cards to play except to start building weapons. This is a move in the wrong direction. Powerhouse German production is dying a terrible death.

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