Friday, March 22, 2024

The science of sprinting....I wonder how this would apply to law enforcement and the military....

I luv the breakdown of the sprint they did in this video.

But then I wondered how would it break down for the military or law enforcement.

What would the perfect sprint from the back of an IFV, Helicopter or landing craft out to say 50m bet?

What would the perfect sprint from a seated position in a patrol car or if interviewing someone and they take off running on ya?

Back in the day the Brits were all over military performance.  I wonder if PTI's have studied this?

Its a shame but I don't even know if the USMC has the equivalent or even a military physical performance research section (you would think they would).

That might be one of the last frontiers when it comes to optimum performance in the trade of those that carry guns.

From my perspective you're really left to your own devices to try and optimize your physical performance.

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