Monday, March 04, 2024

The US is using the F-35 to gather info for the Ukrainian Army to target Russian units


Not at all surprising but to be honest not at all efficient. Remember the E-8 Joint Stars? It could turn circles for days inside Poland tracking any and everything moving for over 8 hours on its own gas and counting aerial refueling/spars about 7 could give 24 hour coverage along with our long range UAVs and all that doesn't include the sats we have parked in geo orbit over the battlefield monitoring things.

Let me be clear.

DEFENSE MINISTER NG ENG HEN is one of the most professional and well respected individuals in his position on this planet.  

This was NOT unplanned.  He made no mistake in making this announcement.

My guess.

Its a gentle fig leaf for our German and UK allies.  The Germans just got busted talking about blowing up a bridge, the UK just got fingered for doing the Nord Stream pipeline so the US gets a little Ukrainian dirt on it to make those countries look pristine.

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