We've all heard the talking points about the fight in Ukraine.
* Its the best money we can invest, we are degrading an enemy without spilling American blood.
* If Russia wins in Ukraine then Europe is next.
* China is watching.
* The world is watching and if we don't support Ukraine to our very last dollar then we will be seen as a shaky ally.
* It's our duty as the leader of the free world.
None of that moves me or the people in my orbit. The talking points just don't jive and from my chair none of it makes sense.
I need something much more concrete.
But what happens when word finally gets out that American blood IS being spilled in Ukraine?
That American soldiers are being killed in the fighting there?
What does that do to recruiting?
I think it's gonna take a nose dive into hell! On the conservative side you have many that just don't buy the rationale for the fight. On the liberal side the talking points are popular but that's only cause they seem to believe that the US govt has an endless money supply. When they realize that US troops are getting mangled they'll bail.
I'll use myself for an example. If a young man asked me about the military I would tell them no, there are better ways to do your part.
As I said, many in my circle would do the same.
The liberals I know would talk a person away from the military at the drop of a hat even if it was possible that we would have peace for a hundred years.
The pentagon better get ahead of this story cause when it breaks into the open recruiting is gonna get savaged.
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