Sunday, March 17, 2024

What is going on in France to have Macron shouting so hard for French soldiers in Ukraine?


Something must be going on domestically in France. Its the only thing that makes sense? Nothing else explains why Macron has turned into such a cheerleader for French troops on the ground in Ukraine.

Even worse?

He's talking about doing it solo but we all know the truth.

As soon as the French are engaged in combat they're gonna call for all of NATO to become involved.

THIS IS THE VERY REASON WHY NATO SHOULD BE DISBANDED!  It no longer serves a purpose as a defensive alliance and has actually become oriented toward something else (what that is I don't know but it ain't defense).

Everyone throws up the idea that we don't want Europe to develop a defense force.

I don't agree.

Europe should develop their own force and should deploy them as they see fit.

Taking the defense of Europe off our plate would do wonders for our budget and allow us to right size toward real priorities that actually demand our attention.

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