Friday, March 22, 2024

Why does main stream news work this way? They've been on the Princess of Wales having cancer for the past hour...

 Finally a day off and I have Fox News in the background.  For the past hour they've been waxing poetically about the Princess of Wales having cancer and how she's in treatment now.

With everything going on in the US why?

First I don't even fucking respect the British Royals.  If they died tomorrow I would not care.  Oh and don't get it twisted.  If I died tomorrow they wouldn't care!

We have real deal issues going on in this country yet they're going on and on and on about one person in another country that is simply a CELEBRITY, not even a politician!

This is supposed to be the number one conservative news organization?

This is supposed to be the "people we trust" to give us the news to make informed decisions?

We're all getting played so hard.  The game is rigged.

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