Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Are you pagans done yet???

 The eclipse has passed and I'm so glad this MADE UP EXCITEMENT is over.

Ya'll do know in 2017 we had one and the only people that were "excited" by it were pagans.  School kids were looking at the damn thing on their papers as part of their science classes but NO ONE was rushing to "viewing areas".

Hate to say it but they just ran another experiment on the American people and so so so many failed.

They invented the hype on this thing.

They did an artificial stimulus to the economy based on one thing ... FOMO or fear of missing out.

Many bit on it.

An event of this type and you have people in tears?  This is the event that shows you how small we are in the universe?

False emoting to please the sun god.

Pagans rejoice.  You got a whole new flock of followers.  The crazy thing?  We're supposed to be at the height of our intellectual and scientific knowledge yet the crowd is moved just cause some freaks on TV that dance when ordered to, told you this was a big deal.

Rant over.  The moon is coming and I know alot of you have to get outside to pay your respects to the moon god.

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