Friday, April 26, 2024

The US Army is restructing its Aviation Brigades. When the V-280 hits they will take over amphibious assault ships that the Marine Corps has abandoned, forcible entry will reside only in the Army

When your rival is making mistakes you get out the way and let them. The US Army has/is watching the idiocy of Force Design 2030 and its one region/one foe strategy and they're setting themselves up to fill the numerous voids this fucked concept has created.

via Defense News.
The Army is returning to what it did prior to years of operations in the Middle East and will design division-based formations that do not look the same.

For example, McCurry said, “a light infantry division is more reliant on mobility than a heavy division is from the air, those soldiers have to move, rapidly reposition. We’re putting more [UH-60] Black Hawk [utility helicopters] into the light divisions and taking some of those Black Hawks out of the heavy divisions and heavy divisions remain focused on lethality.”

For the 101st Airborne Division, the Army is building an extra battalion of 32 CH-47F Chinook cargo helicopters to enable air assault. “That helps with the mobility and the ability to do air assault in that division,” he said.


This restructuring isn't simply about making their light infantry more mobile.  Its about flexing into new roles.

Once the V-280 hits its gonna be hell on wheels.

The V-280 will enable a unit like the 101st (that already does the ship thing on the regular) to conduct long range assault from the sea onto targets on land.  The Black Hawk will be a nice interim step but full realization will come with the V-280.

Too many Force Design advocates remain in the upper echelon of the Marine Corps.  They've buried their fangs into the floor boards and will not look at the world and realize that their concept is fucked beyond recognition.

They will continue to push the concept behind closed doors while the Commandant does a little window dressing to keep critics at bay.

Decisions have consequences. 

Force Design 2030 has succeeded in doing only one thing.

Force Design 2030 is on track to make the Marine Corps a service that only provides ship board security, participates in small inconsequential raids and provides the Congress/President awesome parades in DC.

I give it 20 years and the Marine Corps could/should lose its separate service status.

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