Friday, April 19, 2024

Ukraine demands more Patriot Missile Systems. This "modern" war is simply a return to "industrial warfare"


Quantity has a quality all its own.

We're seeing that now with the fighting in Ukraine.  Its high tech no doubt but its also at its heart an industrial fight.

All assumptions by US planners of short sharp fights MUST BE RETHOUGHT!

Our magazine depth is borderline pathetic.  Our allies?  Non-existent.

How we balance this thing is beyond me but some "brain" somewhere needs to be crunching the numbers.

This will affect everything in a true fight between superpowers.  I'm not talking about proxy fights we're seeing pop up but a true battle royal.

If just one US Armored Division is committed to action along with air and naval support how long could we keep them in the fight with our current stockpiles if they're in a high kinetic fight?

Artillery alone would probably run out in days.  Our anti-air missiles would probably last minutes.  Our airpower flying non-stop sorties would probably last as long as our artillery supply.

Note this is with us stripping down to the bare bones in every other theater.

Its a tough pill to swallow but add in dispersed units and things get even trickier because that last mile under fire to deliver the goods is gonna be hell on earth.

My worry is that the theorists got it all wrong but they're so invested in the work they've done that they can't adjust to obvious changes that are happening right before their eyes.

Their theories were fucked up.  The concepts they developed and maybe even their warplanes do not stand up to the test of time and an evolving battlefield.

Our playbook has been read and the enemy will not allow us to do another Desert Storm, Thunder Run, SOCOM raids etc....

The next one is gonna be a long, drawn out slog fest and we ain't ready.