Saturday, May 11, 2024

Cultural acceptance has to have limits. Not everything is to be respected, condoned or allowed

A 13 year old Lebanese girl, forced to marry 29 year old man, crying in pain: "The girl can't say no. It's against our culture." the man smiles: “It's love at first sight!"
byu/Citron_Neat ininterestingasfuck
Want to talk about a virus sweeping thru America? Its the acceptance of the unacceptable. I post this just as an example but we're seeing things just as bad across the board. Cultural acceptance MUST HAVE LIMITS. We should not and cannot accept stuff that is repugnant all because we want to spare feelings. Lines have to be drawn. A 29 year old with a 13 year old? Where I come from that's called pedophilia. Saying that its culturally accepted so we must accept it is idiotic.

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