Saturday, May 25, 2024

For Navy Surface Warfare, its not Chinese Destroyers that will be the problem...its their Frigates

Check out that chart.

Its not Chinese destroyers that will be the problem for the US Navy's Surface Warfare fleet (in a ship vs ship match up).  Its gonna be Chinese frigates.

With the war looming in the Pacific and with people looking to the history of naval warfare in the region...with people willing to use Marines, drones and other assets to take hits to protect the battlefleet I have to wonder why no one has recommended using the LCS as a modern day "PT Boat" to sortie out, do damage at high speed and then withdraw --- hopefully under the protection of some of those stealth fighters we loaded up on that are piling up at Lockheed Martin's facilities.

UAVs locate the Chinese ship(s), you have a few LCS with big anti-ship missiles mounted on the deck (flight deck if necessary), the section of two or three mass launch at distance and then they zoom back to their mothership to reload, change crew...whatever.

40 knots on the water only seems fast to the people aboard and God knows it ain't shit to modern missiles but a programmed all sector attack should have the target focusing on the incoming missiles instead of the platforms that launched them.

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