Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hamas claims to have captured IDF soldiers operating in tunnels

I swear to God military leadership worldwide is simply batshit crazy. I wonder if they actually had to carry out the shit they ordered if they would have the balls to do it?

I doubt it.

Why send men into tunnels when you can send some type of gas or even water and flood them out.

Yet what has been the fucking style worldwide in the west?  Urban fighting for one and fighting underground for two.

Why the fascination I don't know but its a waste of forces.  FUCK MAN if worse comes to worse then simply pour in concrete and leave the enemy fucks to die a slow death BUT NO!  They have to send men down into that shit.

It was stupid in Vietnam and its stupid today but they continue to push the idiocy.

God bless those dudes.  I hope they died quickly and aren't at the mercy of those animals.

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