Friday, May 10, 2024

Marine Corps Commandant @ Modern Day Marine...

Byron told me to watch the CMC's testimony in front of Congress.  He warned me that it was a big nothing burger.  I watched it anyway and it was as described.

All those fucking Congress Critters and not a damn one asked the hard questions.  Not one of those idiotic, pampered so called leaders had the courage to do their jobs.

They praised the CMC, praised each other, the CMC praised them on what a great job they all were doing.

It was fucking disgusting.

Hope springs eternal.

I thought ok.  Maybe I'm just a dumbass and that just wasn't the right venue for him to talk about the hard shit.

Maybe he'll open his mouth at Modern Day Marine and stop playing politician and start talking plainly.

I called myself a dumbass?  Naw bro.  I was a fucking idiot to think that he would come correct.

More useless platitudes, more talk about the legacy Corps while he's pushing full speed ahead with this abomination that they're building.

Mark my words.

This new Marine Corps will get its shit pushed in.  We will run out of body bags and the mothers of America will be crying their eyes out.

I tried.  I fucking quit.  These fuckers can get what they fucking get.  Only Marines that count are those in the game?  Ok.  Hope you fuckers are ready to play cause I can sit at this keyboard and rip apart that Littoral Regiment without even trying hard.  The Chinese will ass rape that thing into oblivion.

The only thing I ask of these ass hats is to change the name of the organization.  They tarnish what has come before and since they don't give a fuck then complete the re-missioning and rebranding.

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