Thursday, May 30, 2024

Saw this on Reddit and decided to post it here...Drone Death Videos - How do you think it’s affecting the military?

 via r/military

I believe that one of the most unique characteristics of the current war in Ukraine is the widespread dissemination of video of death and mutilation of soldiers by drone.

Popular subreddits such as r/combatfootage and others are full now of video of the effects of fpv attacks and drone grenade drops.

We are now able to see, in horrific detail, the worst aspects of war and killing, things that previously were only seen by the immediate participants in conflict.

What’s particularly horrific to me is how individuals’ deaths or injuries are accompanied by music, slick editing, memes and jokes.

I feel that, in a future conflict, we can only expect more graphic, high resolution, detailed imagery of death and injury, presumably of enemies, friendlies, and non-combatants.

How does r/Military think this may affect the future of conflict?

For instance, it wont be long before we see Allied soldiers dying in graphic detail. I’m not sure what will be the effect of watching a SEAL or Marine having their arms blown off and face eviserated, and the video being shared worldwide for all to see, and then being mocked.

For instance, will it be harder to motivate soldiers, when they know their final moments will probably not be “heroic”, and may linger on the internet to be shared and joked about by teenagers?

Will it perhaps desensitise people and make atrocities more likely to occur, by increasing the overall exposure to horror?

How might it effect training and recruitment? We’ve already seen many graphic HD suicides of soldiers when attacked by drones, and those suicides recorded and shared.

Will it make population support for war more or less likely, when they can see how their soldiers suffer and die in such detail?

Will there be consequences in terms of free speech and censorship, with government crackdown on these videos if they are of our own soldiers?

How will it affect leadership?

Interested in what people think.


I've been banging on the idea of snuff videos being used by the Ukrainians to "pump up support".  That shit was easily predicted too and encouraged cause anytime you start calling the people you're fighting "orcs" then you're into the land of being able to do anything to them (well aware that I've called terrorist and some murders/rapist/child molesters subhuman and I meant it and all that implies).

I've also touched on the fact (mostly speaking about FD2030) about how we're gonna see Marines suffering terribly and it will broadcast worldwide.  That's part of the reason why I now know its simply a tripwire force designed to ensure that we engage the Chinese when they finally make a run on Taiwan.

The American public is tired of these costly wars.  The patriotic talk along with supporting allies has worn thin.  American blood dripping into the mud will (they believe) get them over the edge.

Long story short, I think its a horrific practice, it IS a war crime and the idea that the US is allowing it is beyond all commonsense to me.

The Pentagon has long ago lost its way and it seems like no one can think past the moment.

Today its fun and games to post vids of Russians suffering and dying via drones.  We'll be next and we'll be pitching a fit over it.

Karma is a bitch.

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