Saturday, May 25, 2024

The British vehicle the US Army & Marine Corps should consider testing/buying....Hippo Beach Recovery Vehicle, based on a Leopard MBT chassis

Major hat tip to Think Defence for running this down for me...
The US Army has several landing craft that have beached themselves off Gaza.

The USMC & Army are both talking about increased use of landing craft in the Pacific to ferry missile firing units from place to place.

Considering what we just witnessed.  Should we consider buying a few Hippo BRVs from the Brits?  Might be kind of a mission kill to have one of our landing craft stuck on the beach when they need to get out of the area huh?

We avoided the issue with hovercraft doing our beach landings but with the LSM coming online it should be on the front burner of getting serious about the MLR shouldn't it?

Just a thought.  Think Defence is the expert on this vehicles capabilities so hit him up for details on it.

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