Saturday, May 18, 2024

The US Army is leading the way on all domain missile fires. The USMC should monitor and piggyback on their solutions...

The supposed carve out for roles in the DoD that the USMC planned with its Force Design 2030 is outdated, wasteful and caused unnecessary friction. The Army did it right. They added to their capabilities instead of subtracting. They did not give up roles. They added to them. The big brains on active duty fucked up so bad its scary (in the literal meaning of the word). The reality is simple. The gambled the entire Marine Corps on the thinking of an arrogant Commandant and now instead of the fictional fight for survival, the Marine Corps is barreling full force into a REAL battle. Pride goeth before the fall. I see pride leaving the room for many Generals, Colonels and Majors. If you pick a side in a fight you better pick the right one cause if you don't it will bite you in the ass....or in this case fill body bags.

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