Friday, May 17, 2024

Wow. Marine Raiders just got mad at the idea of MEU(SOC)

Ya know what's so crazy about this shit? While it does "sing" on the surface level, once we dig deeper the question has to be asked. What makes Special Ops special? Raids? The US Army has 3 whole battalions dedicated to raids (and once long range patrol) in the form of Rangers. In this modern era what missions does Special Ops conduct that conventional infantry couldn't? If you say raids then I'm calling bullshit. If you're saying recon? I'm asking why do we need men on the ground when air systems both manned and unmanned are the real go to. Covert action behind enemy lines? In the age of super power competition? Risky as hell and most likely to fail. I'm serious. Special Ops are cool. They have fantastic training and wonderful toys but what is the unique mission that they conduct in the modern era? Not slamming them at all but I would like to know. I think I'm gonna inbox this dude. They're solid and will answer without a flame war erupting.


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