Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Ground guys always reach for kinetic solutions but the French Army Chief says small drones are already being defeated and this is a blip in time...

I don't have the info he does but it makes sense. Small drones are the big bad right now but just like the Turk drone that was rampaging around the battlefield early in the war, their time is over.

Ground guys always reach for kinetic solutions.  I get it.  I'm with it. But this time its electronics that will lead the way.  Of course that brings a whole host of additional problems that I have no idea about but it is what it is and some brain will have to work it all out.

Long story short?

Just like we over invested in killing tanks for 40 years, we were tipping into over investing in killing small drones.

Electronic warfare is the answer and solutions are already appearing.

We can't relax just yet but we need to invest scarce defense dollars wisely.

Chasing the next revolution in military warfare is a fool's game.  We haven't gotten it right since the beginning of time and I don't believe anyone wearing stars will magically get it right today.

Looking at you Force Design 2030 & the Berger Cult.

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