Thursday, June 27, 2024

I feel so sorry for Joe Biden and fear for our country

 Did you watch the debate?  My takeaways...

1.  I've seen meth heads with the same look in their eyes as Biden.

2.  The lapses were terrible.  Biden is obviously sick.

3.  The users in the Dem party are finished with him and now they're gonna toss the guy after using him like a 10 cent back alley New Orleans hoe.

Why I feel sorry for him?

1.  His wife obviously hates him.  If she didn't she would make sure he left the stage and enjoyed the rest of his life playing with his grandchildren and being pampered by his children.

2.  He was drugged up to such an extent that I'm sure they're accelerating his disease.  His brain has to be inches from mush.

3.  Those that have used him have no shame and pushed policies on the American people.  We were ruled by bureaucrats and half of America cheered.  But they won't pay the price for the destruction they've brought.  Biden's legacy will.  He will go down as a horrible president and it probably isn't his fault....he was in decline during the LAST ELECTION.  They just didn't tell us.

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