Saturday, June 22, 2024

JoshO, a reader of this blog, captured an awesome pic of the new F-15 Missile Truck...


JoshO shared this pic of the F-15 Missile Truck in the comments and I just had to pop it out so it wouldn't get lost there. Freaking awesome and thanks for sharing! Not making the call, especially cause I've been slipping in relation to getting stuff up on the blog but just like CoffeeJoeJava hits me up with everything Marine Corps, Carlton hits me with tidbits of info on military tech trends and a ton of other people keep me informed of stuff cause ONE PERSON can't catch it all....I'm asking everyone to hit those open comments with your pics, tips and other juicy info. That was suggested a long time ago and its been one of the most awesome things we do here. We really need to revitalize that asset and make it great again (pun intended)!

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