Monday, June 03, 2024

The Navy needs to deal with its corrupt culture before it can get ready for the big fight....Retired Navy four-star admiral arrested in bribery scheme

 via Navy Times

A former Navy vice chief of naval operations faces up to 30 years in prison after he was arrested Friday along with two business executives on criminal charges involving a U.S. government contract bribery scheme while in uniform, according to the Justice Department.


Read the sorry details at the link.  The real issue?  At the highest levels of the US Navy we're seeing all kinds of corruption.  Not the usual run of the mill, you select company A while on active duty for a project/program and then you get a job there.

We're seeing the additional passing of money.

What kills me is that it isn't big bucks either.  We have senior naval officers selling out for what is actually peanuts.

Disgusting in the extreme. 

Want to know the really worrying thing?

How many people have our enemies and even friends purchased for little or nothing?

Some dude walk into a bank, produces a pistol and makes off with 25K dollars and we're in an uproar, the man hunt is started, the US Marshal's along with a local task force gets after the dude and he's run to ground.

Do the same in uniform with the cost being hundreds of thousands of dollars and our national security at stake and you get a knock on the door from accountants that carry guns (FBI), you escorted to an interview (or its conducted at your home) and the powers that be MIGHT downgrade your retirement rank.

We have this shit going on and we EXPECT to beat China?

We have this shit going on and we EXPECT the Navy to get their shipbuilding and maintenance together?

We're fucked and most don't even know it.

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