Friday, June 28, 2024

Watching Joe at his rally...he's so drugged its insane...

 This is one thing no one should be able to identify but due to the society we live in today most can.

I'm watching Joe at his campaign rally.

Dude is so pumped up full of drugs that its insane.  Meth is rampant in my area.  I recognize it cause I see it alot.

If he ain't on meth then he's on the pharmaceutical equivalent.

If you know anything about that type of drugs then you know that he'll be up zooming like a FLASH from the comic books for a couple of day, then he'll crash and be out like a light for days too.

The only thing missing is extreme weight loss but under a doctors care that can be monitored and proper calories administered to avoid that terrible side affect.

What I wonder, cause I've unfortunately seen it up close is how this is affecting his dementia.  I would think that its accelerating it.

Ya know what that means?

In my mind it means that IF re-elected he won't survive his next term.  His wife knows this.  His children know this.  His inner staff know this and so do a great many Americans.

Yep I'm hitting you with alot of posts on this, but it cause I simply can't believe what I'm seeing.  THIS IS EVIL!

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