Monday, June 03, 2024

What do ya'll think? NYPD arrest 12 year old female illegal immigrant for selling fruit


The law without compassion is a terrible thing. Lack of enforcement of the law is a terrible thing.

Something else though.

There is a thing called street level justice.  What that means is that LEOs have discretion on how they handle a particular call or take enforcement action.

The author of this tweet has no problem with this arrest.

I'm not so sure.  My one caveat is I wasn't there so I don't know, just operating off sketchy ass reporting on it and we know news is highly slanted to the particular position of the person breaking the story.

I wanna know what ya'll think about this arrest.  Was it good or bad?  Over the top or just right?  Does it fit with the enforcement narrative going on in NY city?

My main problem is that you have real deal gangsters roaming that city hurting people, not selling them fruit but robbing, raping, murdering and creating all kinds of  mayhem.

Seems weird to dedicate this much police resources to what I consider a minor thing, but fuck me, what is YOUR position on this.

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