I've been waiting for someone to flesh out exactly what they're seeking to do with Force Design 2030. I've been wanting someone to explain how the SecDef that identified China as the pacing threat could be against Force Design 2030. To explain how it makes sense for the ENTIRE USMC to subordinate itself to the US Navy instead of being ready to respond for forces by the Combatant Commanders (our current operating system as fucking flawed as it is).
Eric J, whoever the hell he is didn't fill in all the dots but I'll be damned if he didn't hit on at least a few of them.
I still disagree with Force Design 2030, but at least someone is trying to explain it.
Having said all that the comments were flowing but I had an automatic closing of comments after 5 days. Bad mistake. Here is the link to the original post. Read the comments there and continue the debate here. Oh and its now a 33 day comment period before things are closed.