Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dude on the blog said that Obama was trying to knock off Biden. I told him he was full of shit. I was wrong...

 Got outside my usual news bubble and watched Morning Joe.  They confirmed what I thought was absolute bullshit.  They confirmed in no uncertain terms that the push to get Joe Biden off the ticket was coming from the Obama camp.

I was wrong.

Very fucking wrong.

I thought I followed politics but I totally missed that.  Don't know what's going on but I definitely am gonna hunt that one down.

To the reader that tried to skool me?  My bad!

Politics in America is a very tricky thing.  I can see a future President Trump knocking down Pence if he tried to run to replace him, but I really did think that Biden and Obama were good to go on personal terms I mean HE DID SUPPORT HIM against Trump and none of the other candidates!

Just plain wild.

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