Sunday, July 14, 2024

Interesting isn't it. Could Trump's supreme court win protect Biden (this is serious "what if")

 Eventually the conspiracy theories are gonna start.

In some corners the finger is being pointed at Biden, Obama and Hillary in various pairings.

Soon enough we're gonna see the podcasts and blogs on the theory of this thing.

But lets play a "what if".

What if Biden actually ordered the hit?  If that were ever proven to be the case, even with the cut outs that I'm sure whatever agency did this (far beyond the alphabet stuff) could Biden be charged?

NOT IF THEY ACTUALLY PUSH THE RHETORIC that Trump is a threat to democracy.

If they assert that Trump was a national security threat then even if this thing pointed squarely at the sitting President, then Biden couldn't be touched.

Ain't that a bitch.

America is fucked.

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