Friday, August 02, 2024

18th Airborne Corps deploying to the Pacific & working on maritime insertion...

 via Army Times

The 18th Airborne Corps has the global response force mission for the Army, meaning a rapid deployment of up to an entire brigade on short notice. The airborne and air assault capabilities also give the corps more ways to reach their target than nonairborne capable units.

Donahue pointed to those skillsets and ongoing work on maritime insertion, including the corps’ recent work operating the floating pier off the shore of Gaza in the Israel-Hamas conflict, as ways the corps is preparing to respond anywhere it’s needed.


If you abandon a mission, another force will pick it up.

From my chair it appears that the USMC has given up on being a global response force AND amphibious assault AND combined arms operations AND scaling up and down the force continuum to fit the needs of the combatant commander.

What are they doing instead?

Tying themselves to the navy in its "naval task force" construct.

That alone means fewer missions, less utility to the nation and becoming a non-starter for combatant commanders.

Who can blame the Army for doing what the Marine Corps has decided not to?

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