Wednesday, August 07, 2024

If an ally starts a fight we don't want do we have to support them?

 You read the title now let me get to the point.

A reader posted a video that stated that Israel is pushing beyond the justifiable (in my opinion) fight in Gaza to include Iran, Hezbollah and maybe even Syria.

I hate to say it but it sure seems like that's the case.

Don't get me wrong.  I understand the fight in Gaza.  That makes nothing but sense to me.  Its ugly but it had to be done.  But if Israel is pushing a fight against Iran at THIS TIME does it make sense?

Not to me.  Not in any way.

Our munitions supplies have been drained.  We are running on empty and open hands from Israel and Ukraine should have long ago gone by the wayside in order to ensure our own security.

Next the world economy is on the brink.  A major war and the disruption of oil from the middle east could have unexpected knock effects.

In short it could plunge the world into a terrible recession.

But my biggest issue is that we have countries that are our allies and they're wagging the dog.

You can't engage in activity that will require support without consultation.  If you're gonna start a gun fight and then ask me for ammo I think I get a call in you starting that damn gun fight!

I support Israel but they're starting to land in the Ukraine camp to me.  Yeah we will support you but don't be stupid about it.

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