Thursday, August 29, 2024

The 101st is working with the Mobile Brigade Combat Team concept

 via Army Times

Sylvia said the division command elements of the Fort Campbell brigade performed mobile strike missions requiring 76 aircraft to haul more than 2,000 soldiers and 252 pieces of equipment across more than 500 miles on two avenues of approach. That maneuver necessitated at least two refueling points before troops hit the ground at 14 different landing zones.

Another 700 soldiers were needed to manage the forward area refueling points along the route from Fort Campbell to Fort Johnson, he said.

The 500-mile mark is key, Sylvia added. If the Army can strike from that distance, they can strike nearly any important feature of Russia, China, Iran or North Korea from regional installations.


Will this work?

Don't know.

Is it encouraging to see the Army working the problem and developing its force to be capable of credible "strike & hold" operations?

You bet your ass.

This was once Marine Corps territory.  The Pentagon abhors a vacuum and the Army is stepping into the breach.

One Marine Corps leader decided that he had all the answers, could see only one region and one foe and pushed his chips all in with the support of a few well placed zealots while GOOD MEN DID NOTHING!

If we're lucky the Army will stand in the breach while it takes a generation of Marines to UNFUCK the Corps.

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