Wednesday, September 11, 2024

101st Large Scale, Long Range Air Assault (vid)

The US Army with its 101st Air Assault, 82nd Airborne, 10th Mountain & 18th Airborne Corps are now America's premier crisis response/rapid deployment force. They possess more organic ground mobility & ground based firepower than any US Marine Corps Regiment.

For better or worse the leadership of the Marine Corps has transformed it into a missile firing naval infantry outfit with little staying power and limited ability to project power from the sea.

My prediction?

You will soon see the 101st crowding out Marines aboard amphibious assault ships to actual retain that ability for Combatant Commanders.

Recon/Counter Recon is just not valuable OR viable in a peer conflict and absolutely useless when it comes to actually putting fires on target.

You don't need a service to do recon.  You just need a few drones.

The US Army got it right.

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