A reader made a comment about how Shia Islam views things and by extension gave their view of the killing of the Hezbollah leader.
Unfortunately you miss a major point, the whole Shia Islam is around the concept of Martyrdom.
Are you happy in your coach thinking about your next holiday or next meeting at work ?
Well, those guys are looking for martyrdom, because that would please God and assure their place on heaven.
On the contrary of Christian, who just read about the Apocalypse, they (=Muslim) see Satan in action bombing their cities.
think about that, are you kind of Christian? If four raiders would literally appear, would you care about your mortgage or about giving God a sign of how good you are?
It is a serious question. Please answer.
For them it is pretty much the second option.
do you think that killing their leader will stop them?
You are gravely mistaken.
On one thing we agree. The killing of Hezbollah's leader won't stop them. I pretty much stated the same by remarking that the second in command is usually much more radical and will dial things up to 12. What that will lead to in this fight is beyond me but this thing could have been turned off but the IDF and Hezbollah both seem to want the fight.
But ignoring all that for a second. I want to address his view on Christianity.
Unfortunately those that have a BASIC reading of the bible focus only on the "peace and love" but there are several passages that says that if you call yourself a Christian you're not to go gently into that night.
Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle; he is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me. Psalm 144:1-2
Where did I get that from? Not from the black church I attended. Not from my grandma or grandpa or mom or dad. Not from some elder in the church that served in the military.
I got that from my batshit crazy senior Drill Instructor. Never asked but the dude his views on things but he wore a camo cross around his neck that you could sometimes see pop out from under his t-shirt when we were involved in some type of vigorous training.
He had us saying the portion in red like a fucking mantra. Don't care who was around. Colonel pop down to watch us do our thing? Before we hook and jab we'd say that shit. Capt walking around monitoring shit? We'd say that shit.
It was a MUCH different time. Much different Marine Corps. But it got across to me that doing God's work sometimes involves violence.
My reader at the start of this talked about how we view the end times.
Jesus himself talks about coming back as a lion, not as a lamb. Hell the bible itself talks about a massive war between good and evil.
Christianity has been bastardized, made weak and feeble and made to have no standards of behavior or consequences for evil doers.
Long story short?
If you're a true believer then you believe in fighting for what's right.
My only quibble with this killing is the unintended consequences of the action, the inevitable knock on deaths caused by continued fighting.
Won't cover it but the endless wars are of the devil himself. That we should rail against. Not the just fight but the prolonged fight for profit.