Thursday, September 26, 2024

I support Israeli action in Gaza. The Oct 7th attacks necessitated that military action. Taking on Hezbollah now? That's a fight they want, not a fight that must be....

You read the title. I stand behind those words.

In my opinion, Israel is justified for the actions in Gaza.  Against Hezbollah in Lebanon?

Not so much.

I keep getting this feeling that the whole thing was an excuse to push this fight at this time.  No conspiracy theories have been gaining traction but the intel failure of the IDF in blunting the attacks on the 7th are making me wonder why it even happened in the first place.

Think about it.

They are targeting/have targeted Hamas/Hezbollah leadership with hyper accurate precision.  Same with those hidden rocket/weapon factories.

How the fuck did they miss a MASSED attack?

I have questions but more importantly someone needs to yank Israeli's chain and tell them to knock it the fuck off.

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