Monday, September 09, 2024

Tired of hearing the whining about Ukraine. What is your solution?

 I've looked at the war in Ukraine.  I stated that the manner in which it is being fought makes no sense.  The model for supplying Ukraine with arms is broken at best, unsustainable and even if it was would lead to a nation awash in arms but with no one to use them.

I've talked about Ukraine's finances at this point.  They're a zombie country.  A failed state in the heart of Europe.  No one that is pushing for continued fighting is looking towards the aftermath of this fight.  Win (however you define that), lose or draw, Ukraine will need to be supported for at least 20 years.  Partnering in the building of weapons is just a drop in the bucket.  Ukraine's supporters are subsidizing their entire economy.  Do you really believe that will continue?

So having said all that I posted where the German Chancellor was going to propose a peace plan.  Zelensky himself is talking about a peace plan.

Only the hawks in DC and the EU are against that...along with many readers of this blog.

So tell me what is your plan.  If you don't want to find a way to get at a peaceful resolution then tell me what we do.  Tell me how we do it without gutting our own defense capabilities and our treasuries.

Tell me wise people.

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