Friday, October 25, 2024

Are wheeled IFV/APC an evolutionary dead end???


Using this as an example only.  A Leopard MBT next to a Boxer IFV.

Have forces around the world globbed onto a concept just for shits and giggles and haven't actually looked at the combat performance of the thing?

I'm looking at the wheeled IFV trend.

The vehicles are freaking huge.  They're touted as having the same cross country performance of tracked vehicles cross country but most nations are still supplementing them with tracked IFVs.

From what I've seen (and I might be wrong) they're rather awkward in urban environments and the inability to skid steer is definitely a weak spot.

Their main advantage is in long range travel and higher ground clearance for added mine resistance.

But the threat has changed.  Mines are so "war on terror" and the next war will probably be a drone and direct/indirect fire fuck fest.

For US ground forces in particular its a huge risk to depend on wheels when maneuver is the mantra used by everyone.

Mobility kills or denied terrain due to the capability of your force is a deadly thing.

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