Sunday, October 06, 2024

Has anyone noticed that the Red Cross isn't seen in NC? FEMA is ineffective yet volunteers are harassed?

Has anyone noticed that the Red Cross isn't seen in NC?

That's another NGO that was helping immigrants get into the US but when a disaster hits citizens is nowhere to be seen.

FEMA is undoubtedly ineffective and just plain in the way.  The 82nd and 101st are in the area but guess what.  The Blackhawks are too big and all those smaller helos bought for the national guard aren't there!

I complained about Marine Air and what's left of Marine Engineers are nowhere to be seen but its obvious that the Marine Corps is no longer America's force in readiness.

Long story short?

We are seeing ANOTHER failure of our national govt.  At this point the only thing they seem to be good at is money collection from taxpayers and distributors to others.  

If that is the role then cool but their powers need to be rolled back DRAMATICALLY and the states plussed up to handle shit like this.

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