Fox News has been running news stories today about the eastern sea board being inundated with UFOs. I know what it actually is and so do you.
Let's go down memory lane.
Remember how SOCOM was so hot and excited and even thrilled to be running exercises in major US cities at night?
Have you heard about one lately?
Yeah. Neither have I.
Do you think they stopped running them?
Nope. Neither do you.
The real question is this.
Remember we have had a MASSIVE influx of illegal aliens. Many of those folks are from areas of interest and we have seen reports of known terrorists slipping into the country right along with the rest of those folks.
So are these real world missions where SOCOM is hunting down terrorists inside our borders OR is it just exercises.
My guess?
This is real. We're seeing them flood the zone from New York down to Virginia.
SOCOM is hunting bad guys and they're doing it right here in the USA. Guess the fight them over there so we don't here didn't work out so good.
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