Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Il-76MD with quieter and more economical Aviadvigatel PS-90 high-bypass turbofan engines.

I know its new and bright and shiny, but it looks good. Don't know if the "if it looks good it is good" thing still applies but this looks good.

North Macedonian Special Ops..."The Wolves"

Open Comment Post. 8 Sep 2021

M1A2SEPv2 with mockups of the Trophy HV active defense system.


Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Wow. HQMC is doing it by the book...they gave that LtCol a mental health screening...


Scheller was removed from command of the Advanced Infantry Training Battalion at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, on Friday following his first video "due to a loss of trust and confidence in his ability to command," according to Maj. Jim Stenger, a spokesman for the Marine Corps.

Monday afternoon, in a post to what appeared to be his LinkedIn profile, Scheller said that he "was ordered by my commanding officer to go to the Hospital for a mental health screening."

"I was evaluated by the mental health specialists and then sent on my way," he added in the post.

Scheller reiterated that he is "moving forward with my resignation." reached out to Scheller and others who appeared to have served with him in the Marines for comment and perspective, and confirmation on the events he described. Scheller did not reply. Several current and former Marines declined to comment. One said, "I don't think it's safe for me to comment at this time."

Sunday's 10-minute video, posted to LinkedIn and YouTube, has a decidedly different tone from his first message, which was widely shared on social media in the military community.

Instead of sitting in an office setting in uniform, Scheller is dressed in civilian clothes and seated in "an abandoned school bus in eastern North Carolina" with a chessboard set up in the foreground. The video also has a darker tone, with Scheller less focused on calls for accountability and instead making declarations, often shouting, about his career and Marine leadership.

Scheller claims that, in exchange for his silence, he could have spent three years at another posting until he was eligible for retirement.

"I don't think that's the path I'm on," he declared.

At several points in the video, Scheller also intimates that he has plans for senior officers in the military, using threatening language.

"When I am done with what I'm about to do, you all are going to need the jobs and the security," Scheller said in his second video.


This dude has been snapped.

"When I am done with what I'm about to do".

He actually said that?

Yeah.  He's broken bad.  Hope he gets help...hope he gets better.

Note.  Talking shit to your boys behind closed doors is one thing, but to be an Officer Of Marines and doing this PFC shit is something else entirely.  

Australian Army @ Exercise Gauntlet Strike 2021


Thailand will acquire R600 8x8 armored vehicles for its naval infantry units.



I've gone from cheering this guy to wondering what the fuck he's up to...

I get it. Dude is pissed. But the release of his resignation letter to the public and the snarkiness with it has me wondering. What is his end game with this? He had his 10 seconds of fame and the point had been made. Now this? What the fuck is he up to? I was cheering now I'm left a bit puzzled and quite honestly a bit suspicious.

They picked the wrong house!


Norwegian Armor @ NATO Enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup Lithuania

Question. Is forward presence overrated? Does it actually deter aggression? Think about it. Where has forward presence actually prevented an adversary from carrying out whatever action they had contemplated? 

I DO SEE combatant commanders pulling forces to their respective kingdoms but they're always for exercises. I have yet to see a combatant commander pull forces forward for actual contingencies. 

The 24th MEU was already in theater for a scheduled deployment when the trouble in Afghanistan hit, the 82nd pulled their Division Ready Brigade together to fly in from the states (that could have been military politics though...the 173rd was sitting in Europe looking slack eyed and silly), and military airlift just pulled its forces together from around the world. The question remains. Does forward presence actually deter aggression?

If we can conclude that it doesn't deter aggression then forward presence is simply putting our forces in harms way for a series of defeats ala the Japanese Imperial Navy/Army in their march across the Pacific early in WW2.