Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Flying Kiwi Website.

Ok.  You like Naval Aviation?  Well I do, and if you do too then you must check out the Flying Kiwi.  I don't know this guy but his site is awesome and considering his far flung travels he's either independently wealthy or in hock up to his ears...check it out.

Bitch and Whine.

This from DoDBuzz....
“It’s been three years [since the arms export treaty with Britain was proposed]. At this point we are losing patience,” she says he told her. Pass the treaty, “if you want our soldiers to stand with yours and have the right technology.” Blakey spoke with Fox Sunday night at a dinner for senior U.S. government and industry officials.
Read the whole thing but I am struck by the sense of entitlement.  Yes you are an ally.  Yes you are important.  Yes we want your assistance and value our alliance..but WHAT THE FUCK!

If you're losing patience then carry your behind down the road.  You're trying to have two lovers...the US and European Defense Industries and Britain is ignoring the fact that theft of intellectual property is a real threat.  They wonder why we won't allow access to the source code on the F-35 and then talk about having a joint aircraft carrier with the French...the same French that are famous for industrial espionage and the same French that are selling high tech arms to Russia.

The UK needs an enema...they're seriously losing it.

F-22 at Farnborough

EADS Chairman is smoking crack.

Wow.  This via the BBC.
"The Americans are interested," he told BBC News. "They do not have an aircraft with the same capabilities."
Mr Gallois said he did not expect the US to order the plane immediately.
However, by the middle of the decade the US will need to replace their existing planes, he explained.
By then the A400M programme - which is several billion euros over budget and four years late - should be running smoothly.
"The programme is now on schedule," Mr Gallois said.
This guy is getting some of the "good stuff"...I mean it must be Columbia Pure.  

Or else he's just plain crazy.

Either way, I can't believe that anyone in his sales department is telling him that the A400 will be considered by the US military in the future.

Talk about capabilities and cost?  For a few million dollars more you can buy a C-17 with almost double the lift and speed.  I've never seen a company chairman grasping at straws...before now that is...and to be honest its not a pleasant sight.

How any reporter can credibly report this drivel is beyond me but it is fun watching this train wreck better known as Gallois.

Marine Corps Historical Publications.

Sgt. C. hooks us up with the link to the US Marine Corps Historical Division.  I honestly had never heard of these guys and simply got historical books etc through the All Marine Messages (ALMARS).  This is better.  Check them out.