Thursday, July 18, 2024

Reports are that Biden will drop out of the Presidential Race this weekend...they pulled off the first part of a fucked up plan


Late Open Comment Post. 18 July 24


Project 2025 & the USMC...


Ward Carroll and the Conservative Wahoo are talking about Project 2025 in relation to defense and the various services. The whole thing is worth a watch but my audience is about the Marine Corps so I started the vid on my blog there.

Not much to talk about least as far as the document is concerned.  The real action is the interplay and discussion between Carroll & CW.

I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly what is going on here.

They don't talk about aviation at all.  The Medium Landing Ship barely gets a mention.  Its all the glitz behind new anti-ship missiles and HIMARS.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

They kinda said it too.

The Marine Corps tilted so hard into Force Design 2030 and was so willing to give up its missions that its become more than an after thought.

It's like the budget writers are telling the Corps to get in a corner and play with their toys but don't get into any trouble.


In this same Project 2025 the US Army is getting everyone of their "Big 6" backed to the hilt, being pushed for rapid deployment with Carroll & CW stating that military sea lift is gonna have to get back in the game to make that happen and a general focus that I find kinda shocking (the USMC's biggest competition is the Army--- a little friendly interservice rivalry I guess).

They're about to play all over the globe while the USMC is stuck on a few islands in the Pacific playing the "deterrence" game against China.

The USAF gets much love in this document too.  They're set to make up for all their losses and if Trump wins will have a global force able to fight two regional wars (like the US Army).

The Navy?  Lost in the sauce.  Can't really see their path forward except for hoped for ship building.  The type needed, the basing, all the stuff that you need for a global Navy is missing.  They just talk about ship numbers.

The Marine Corps hyper focused on China at the expense of everything else the nation has called it to do, the Navy can't get out of its own damn way and the US Army and US Air Force seem to have advocates at the Heritage Foundation that are about to fill their baskets full of new gear.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

First to get a ticket game (Watch till the end!)

When CNN feels free to go after you then its time to polish up your resume. Secret Service Chief needs to start polishing hers...

This is HIMARS®

“Queen Hornet” 15-inch quadcopter

This Secret Service agent is getting fried on the net...


She obviously forgot that any day could be THAT day....

Open Comment Post. 17 July 24


Saw this on Libs Of Tik Tok...I think they've gone too far...


Don't see how you can take pride (they appear to at least to me) in smashing an old lady working at Home Depot as a check out lady. That sucks for her. She voiced her opinion OFF work hours on her own page and it was hunted down and she faces scorched earth because of it?

Libs Of Tik Tok is working too hard to get clicks.  Ruining a ladies life that is scrapping by sucks dick.

So now the right is doing what the left has done?  Bad look.  Real bad look.

Aim up not down.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Wow. The evidence is piling up. Trump is winning the black vote. About fucking time~!


Sorry not sorry for the politics.

Trump is changing the Republican party for generations.  Instead of Wall Street the party is becoming for the working class party.

I've been shocked and happily amazed at what's going on in the black community but I've read that its happening across all demographics.

Unless we see massive cheating this fall is looking like a blow out.

The Dems are still working hard to get rid of Biden but its looking like a suicide mission at this point.  Who wants to be the one to get rid of Biden and then try and lead a dysfunctional party toward a massive defeat.

They should have started the removal process a year and a half ago instead of shielding the guy.

Who dies first is a faggot?

Everyone is a hero till the bullets start flying. Meth is a helluva drug. False motivation ain't motivation. Wonder if they lived and if they did if they give a fuck now?

Rep Corey Mills (R-Florida) is all over the attempted shooting and giving a tik-tok of apparently INTENTIONAL failures...

The conspiracy theories on the Trump assassination attempt have started and this one LOOKS suspicious as FUCK!


She really looks like she is expecting the shot doesn't she. She is wearing a black hat in a sea of red. It's almost like she was a spotter for the shooter!

Open Comment Post. 16 July 24


Dude on the blog said that Obama was trying to knock off Biden. I told him he was full of shit. I was wrong...

 Got outside my usual news bubble and watched Morning Joe.  They confirmed what I thought was absolute bullshit.  They confirmed in no uncertain terms that the push to get Joe Biden off the ticket was coming from the Obama camp.

I was wrong.

Very fucking wrong.

I thought I followed politics but I totally missed that.  Don't know what's going on but I definitely am gonna hunt that one down.

To the reader that tried to skool me?  My bad!

Politics in America is a very tricky thing.  I can see a future President Trump knocking down Pence if he tried to run to replace him, but I really did think that Biden and Obama were good to go on personal terms I mean HE DID SUPPORT HIM against Trump and none of the other candidates!

Just plain wild.

31st MEU | HRST Sustainment....Photos by Cpl. Angel Diaz

31st MEU | HRST Sustainment B-Roll.....Video by Cpl. Angel Diaz

Amphibious Combat Vehicles Aboard Camp Schwab....Photos by Lance Cpl. Kendrick Jackson


The Secret Service needs to pick a lane...either they're hyper lethal personal protection agents or they're glorified accountants with badges...THEY CAN'T BE BOTH!

 You run across the typical Secret Service agent and you know who you're talking to?

A glorified accountant with a badge.  They investigate financial crimes.  They chase bad stocks exchanges and bad check passers or even fake dollar printers.

The shooters of the service are the guys that protect Presidents, high ranking civilian officials etc...

The Secret Service needs to pick a lane.

They need to specialize.

Either they're hyper lethal personal protection agents or they're glorified accountants.

Bust up the current setup and start again.