Saturday, November 04, 2017

Blast from the past. Mussolini knew it wasn't gonna work!

pic and caption via Tanks-a-lot Tumblr Page.

when you just signed the munich agreement but know shits gonna go down anyway
I love reading some of these kid's take on history.  It's all filled with humor, irony and modernism to the extreme in their wording.

In other words it's cool as hell.  Tumblr isn't all porn.  Much to my amazement some of the web that is mostly known for vile or pornographic material has much to be desired...if you know where to look.

Japanese Type 16 MCV on static display with 14th Tank Co in Naga via Bmashina Tumblr Page!

Friday, November 03, 2017

UK's Defence Ministerial Crisis hits at a terrible moment for the island nation...

via Business Insider.
Theresa May is facing a major backlash after appointing her chief whip Gavin Williamson as the new defence secretary, with some Conservative MPs "livid" at the promotion.

Williamson was appointed on Thursday morning following Sir Michael Fallon's shock resignation as defence secretary on Wednesday evening after he was implicated in the Westminster sexual harassment scandal.

One senior Conservative backbench MP described the surprise promotion of Williamson as "Unbelievable. Ludicrous. Astonishing."

Former Chief of the General Staff Lord Richard Dannatt said the appointment was "quite surprising" and not the best option "from a defence point of view."
Story here.

I've been looking at my blogroll and NO ONE is talking about this brewing controversy.

Theresa May is having a HORRIBLE month.  First the economic impact of BREXIT which is considered a state secret is being pushed for release to the public.  Next she lost her majority because of a terrible miscalculation on her part. Then we had her loyal Defence Minister swept up in the Weinstein mess and forced to resign...and now we have her appointing another loyalist to replace him and having her own party going ape shit over the person chosen.

This couldn't happen at a worst time for the UK.

They are in the midst of another reshuffling of their armed forces so that they can afford many of the big ticket items that are on their shopping list, the Carriers are being completed on time but the cost is outrageous so they're looking at retiring capable amphibious ships to make the difference, the F-35 continues to be the hole at the bottom of the bucket sucking up huge amounts of money and they still have to do something with nuclear modernization.

No one is noticing but we could see the rapid de-evolution of British combat power.  This might seem an unfortunate personnel matter but it's indicative of much bigger problems.

The UK is facing a defense crisis.

Open Comment Post. Nov 3, 2017

Indian Air Force AH-64E Guardian

Denmark's National Audit Office says F-35 will not perform as promised...

via Sputnik.
To the dismay of Denmark's Air Force, which had been betting on F-35s replacingthe country's aging fleet, the National Audit Office has decided that the pricey war toy is overrated, arguing that the Defense Ministry has been far too optimistic in its evaluation.
For Denmark, where the acquisition of the US F-35 fighter jets is set to become the largest-ever state purchase, the new report highlighting the shortcomings of its prized possession, is hardly good news.

The new fighter jets, which are expected to set Danish state coffers back DKK 66 billion ($10 billion), could actually yield much more modest performance than that stated by the Defense Ministry, the National Audit Office (NAO) found in a report.

According to the NAO, the Defense Ministry has overestimated the amount of tasks the 27 new F-35 aircraft can handle. Another blunder regards how many hours the aircraft can spend in the air. While the Defense Ministry proceeded from a solid 250 hours a year, the same fighter jets only are airborne 168 and 210 hours in Norway and Holland respectively, Danish Radio reported.
Story here. 

Wow.  This thing is far from over.  The Program Office can do their best to manage the message and keep support up via, other fanboys, retired and active military officers and the uninformed but reality is coming....AND FAST!

At some point the program will run out of time and excuses.

That's what we've been warning about.  Prior performance is NOT indicative of future outcomes, but it does give you an idea of what to expect.

We can expect the F-35 to continue to limp along, underperform, cost an outrageous sum of money and fail to deliver as promised.

When the patience of the zealots has run out and it's obvious even to them that they've been duped is when WE (the critics of the program) need to have solid alternatives mapped out.  That's what we'll chew on in a blog post tomorrow.  

It's time to chart a plan B for the Marine Corps, Navy and USAF (God help our allies...I have no idea what they'll need to do!).

Test team deploys to expand UH-1Y's wind envelope...Why wasn't this done at introduction of the helicopter?

“It all got started when a deployed fleet pilot, Maj. “Rudy” Neagle, reached out directly to the HX-21 pilots asking if they could help expand the UH-1Y wind envelope,” said Kristen Finnegan, the test team’s lead engineer.

The flight envelope refers to the conditions in which an aircraft can safely operate. The UH-1Y helicopters had been operating within the restrictive generic wind envelope for six-to-seven years.

As Neagle—the aviation combat element LPD detachment officer in charge (OIC) from Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 365 (Reinforced), 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU)—began researching the limited flight envelope, he was looking for the lessons learned from other pilots who had faced similar challenges.

“It had not occurred to me to conduct testing on Mesa Verde while deployed,” he said. “I was looking for information to mitigate risk while flying outside the wind envelope.”
Story here. 

I know my rep.  Another day another chance for SNAFU! Blog to beat up on Marine Air.

That ain't happening here.

Quite honestly I think Major Neagle was on the ball and damn near heroic with his actions not to go with the status quo.  I think HX-21 personnel were cut from the same cloth. To conduct flight testing while a unit is deployed?  They broke every rule and for the right reasons.

What has me scratching my head is this passage...
 The UH-1Y helicopters had been operating within the restrictive generic wind envelope for six-to-seven years.
From its inception the UH-1Y was built as a SUBSTANTIAL improvement over the UH-1N.  It's faster, lifts more, flies farther and faster...It's just better in all areas.  So why did they just roll with the "restrictive generic wind envelope"?  I'm not bashing Marine Air or the personnel that work there.  I am questioning leadership! 

Am I wrong or does this seem like a no-brainer?

White Sands Missile Range assists US Army in search for next Air Defense System ...Stryker Maneuver Short Range Air Defense, K-21 Air Defense Variant & Multiple Missile Launcher tested.

Russia Mulls Upgrading Su-57 to 6th Gen

via The Diplomat
Russia’s first indigenously designed and built fifth-generation stealth fighter, the Su-57, could be turned into a sixth-generation fighter aircraft, the former head of the Russian Aerospace Force, Viktor Bondarev told TASS news agency on November.

“This is actually a splendid plane and it can embrace both fifth-and sixth-generation features. It has huge modernization potential,” Bondarev, now chairman of the Federation Council Defense and Security Committee, said. “Importantly, it is the best among the existing versions by its stealth characteristics. It incorporates all the best that is available in modern aviation science both in Russia and in the world,” he added.

As I reported in July 2016, Russian defense officials have repeatedly claimed that hardware elements designed for a future sixth generation fighter have been tested on the Su-57 prototype, including flight and navigation systems as well as advanced electronic warfare  and radar systems.
Story here.

This sounds good.  Uh.  What qualities make an airplane a 6th gen?

MCLIC tested aboard the Combat by Lance Cpl. Christian Lopez

S. Korea launches new Navy landing ship

 South Korea on Thursday launched its new Navy landing ship capable of conducting a massive landing operation, according to local media reports.
The launching ceremony was held at the shipyard of Hyundai Heavy Industries, the country's largest shipbuilder, in the southeastern coastal city of Ulsan.
The 4,900-ton landing ship was the fourth of its kind, which was built under the LST-II program to replace smaller amphibious landing vessels.
The new vessel is 127 meters long and can sail at a maximum speed of 23 knots, or about 40 km per hour. It is operated by some 120 crew.
It can carry as many as 300 soldiers in full armor, transporting high-speed landing craft, amphibious assault armored vehicle and tank.
Story here.