Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Damnit! The Israelis and Saudis ARE the problem in the Middle East?

Sorry to the reader that linked this...I can't find your comment to credit you!

via Zero Hedge.
Early this morning, Israeli Channel 10 news published a leaked diplomatic cable which had been sent to all Israeli ambassadors throughout the world concerning the chaotic events that unfolded over the weekend in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, which began with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri's unexpected resignation after he was summoned to Riyadh by his Saudi-backers, and led to the Saudis announcing that Lebanon had "declared war" against the kingdom.

The classified embassy cable, written in Hebrew, constitutes the first formal evidence proving that the Saudis and Israelis are deliberately coordinating to escalate the situation in the Middle East.

The explosive classified Israeli cable reveals the following:

On Sunday, just after Lebanese PM Hariri's shocking resignation, Israel sent a cable to all of its embassies with the request that its diplomats do everything possible to ramp up diplomatic pressure against Hezbollah and Iran.
The cable urged support for Saudi Arabia's war against Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen.
The cable stressed that Iran was engaged in "regional subversion".
Israeli diplomats were urged to appeal to the "highest officials" within their host countries to attempt to expel Hezbollah from Lebanese government and politics. 
Story here. 

This is stunning.

Do you get the implications of this?

This is pointing toward Saudi/Israeli coordination in everything from ISIS to Yemen and even possibly the mess that is North Africa!

It could also lead one to credibly lay the refugee crisis on their doorsteps too.

I am stunned and bewildered.

I've been a strong supporter of Israel but if this is true and if my conclusions/speculation is correct then they've been a party in the killing, wounding and massive wealth destruction (our freaking money) that we've seen in the Middle East.

In short if this stuff pans out an argument could be made that we should shift fire.  I've always considered Saudi Arabia the true enemy of the United States but to think that Israel could be part of the real "satans" in the ME is causing me to spin more than I'm comfortable with.

Politics Talk/Tues Funny. This is the future of American politics...

When even the sheep have had enough of your crap lol
Replace the sheep with people, the sheep dog with authorities and the sheep herder with politicians and you're looking at the future of American politics.

Something is brewing in America and it won't be pretty.  Warfare?  Not hardly but a shedding of the current status quo?  Most definitely.  The sad thing? It's all boiling down to economics.  Too many people have been hurt in the US by globalization.  That fraudulent economic system is going to fall and when it does it will sweep up politicians in every Western nation.

Open Comment Post. Nov 7, 2017

15th MEU Ooh Rah Vid via their Instagram page

A post shared by 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (@15thmeu) on

Stop looking at HQMC and start watching the Fleet Marine Force! They're doing work! (photo by Sgt. Aaron S. Patterson)

I've been going over my blog roll this morning (well really my feed) and I've been drinking in all the images of Marines doing the "Marine Thing".

It's beyond awesome.

The complaint remains the same.  Too many exercises.  Did you know that we had Dawn Blitz, Bold Alligator and Blue Chromite going on almost simultaneously?  That isn't counting what Marines are doing in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.  You're looking at a force that is being worked hard.  Real hard.

And that's the joy and the pain of it.

I've (we've) focused on all the concepts and programs coming out of HQMC (and other HQs) while not paying enough attention to the Fleet Marine Force.

Those boys are doing work!  Good work!

We need to remember that and we need to make sure that they're on our minds, especially with wars and "rumors of wars" looming all around.

Combat Assault Battalion & 1/3, conduct an amphibious landing during Blue Chromite 18....pic by Sgt. Aaron S. Patterson

Z-20 "Copyhawk" medium-lift utility helicopter via China Defense Blog

Yeah.  The Chinese are innovative.  The Chinese aren't stealing our intellectual property.  The Chinese are rising because they're smart and NOT because our leaders have given away the bank.

Are you smoking crack?

This is another example of how they've used American greed against us.  So anxious to break into the Chinese market that they've failed to realize that its a communist govt that will NOT play by the rules.

To be frank the Russians are much more open, cooperative and honest yet they're the target of our policy makers while everyone with even a single operating brain cell can see what's going on in the Pacific.

China is the threat, not Russia.

Story here and scroll down...there are several articles and pics of this new plane.  I missed it but it was just inducted into Chinese service not too long ago.

The right is worried about Antifa? That's mental masturbation...the real threat is attacks on political leaders...

via Reuters.
Rene Boucher, 59, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, was arrested and charged with one count of fourth-degree assault causing minor injury, the Kentucky State Police said in a statement on Saturday.

Paul and Boucher were acquaintances, said Jeremy Hodges, a state police spokesman, who declined to say what led to the incident.

Paul’s office said in a statement the former Republican presidential candidate “was blindsided and the victim of an assault. The assailant was arrested, and it is now a matter for the police. Senator Paul is fine.”

His office did not immediately respond to questions about the extent of any injuries the 54-year-old senator may have suffered or the circumstances of the incident.
via Reuters.

Did you hear about all the gun loonies (I'm a gun nut, not a loon) and alt right zealots gearing up because they thought that Antifa was coming?  I sat back and laughed my ass off.


Because what you saw was grown men engaged in mental masturbation over an idea that could NOT happen (at least as things currently stand).  I can't tell you how many Instagram posts I saw where they had guys posting pics of their gear all lined up with ammo being taken out of safes etc...(what continues to amaze is that so many have so much high priced gear that looks pristine, never used and showroom new!).

What should worry the REGULAR right is the recent attacks on conservative/right wing leadership (I could personally careless about the Alt Right....they get curb stomped and throat punched I wouldn't bat an eye...the only sympathy would be to the simpletons that got swept up in that movement).

We had a Republican Congressional baseball practice ambushed?  Now we have a sitting Senator attacked (don't be fooled by this initial report...dude has busted ribs...they're no joke and he'll be sitting in a chair to sleep cause you can't lay down with them!).

We're seeing something new...at least new to me...we're seeing members of a party being targeted and attacked.  What is especially worrying is that it appears that the left and possibly (have to get more info on Paul's attacker) alt right is teaming up to attack centrist Republicans.

The only saving grace to all this is that the Republicans are further down the road when it comes to the deconstruction/reconstruction of their party than the Democrats are.

I expect to see much the same on their side of the isle when they finally let the cork off (or if it simply explodes) and they realize how much they were messed with in the selection of Hillary as their nominee.

My prediction?

Both parties are headed toward bad times.  The old leadership wouldn't leave on their own so they'll be forced out by the new crowd.  Pelosi and her supporters?  Done.  Bill Kristol and his acolytes on the right?  Done.  Even Obama and Bush Jr won't escape this culling.

Forget fantasyland and mental masturbation techniques.  This is about to get real....and for both parties.

Power plays in the Middle East. Hezbollah says Saudi Arabia forced Lebanese PM to quit....

via Reuters.
Lebanon’s Shi‘ite Hezbollah group on Sunday accused Saudi Arabia of forcing Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri to quit, and called for calm in an effort to contain the political crisis unleashed by his resignation.
Story here. 

Wow.  This story is from this weekend and it got no air time.  Saudi Arabia is making power moves all over the place (or desperation moves) and no one is noticing.

You do get the force of connection here don't you?

The ground is being laid for the next war in Lebanon.  I can see it now, and of course it'll break down along religious/sectarian lines.

Israel will intercede to maintain a buffer zone, Lebanese Christians (what few are left) will align with Israel and the rest will all form a nice, tight furball fighting whoever runs in front of their sights.

Yep.  My hope for things to settle down now that ISIS is taking its death breath was so STUPID, I can't believe I actually thought it a possibility.  Once again the so called tin foil hat crowd got it right.  ISIS was obviously a pawn being used by the players in the region.  I don't know if the mass migration was part of the game plan (I hope not) but the chaos and death was certainly figured into the equation.  I've heard the theories and I believe one of them fiercely (dealing with pipelines) but can't understand how anyone in their right mind could unleash all this pain and suffering on a region and consider it just a part of doing business. 

The evil we saw in the Church shooting in Texas pales to those that are playing games with people's lives on the international level in places like Libya, North Africa, Central Africa and of course Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. I hope these real demons fry in hell.

2/8 conduct mechanized exercise@ Onslow Beach ... pics by Lance Cpl. Scarlet A. Sharp