Saturday, December 09, 2017

British troops exercise in Estonia as part of the NATO's eFP (Enhanced Forward Presence) by LCpl Craig Williams

Open Comment Post. Dec 9, 2017

Hyundai Rotem has won a contract to build K806 and the K808 for S. Korean military....

via Yonhap News.
Hyundai Rotem Co., the rolling stock and arms manufacturing unit of Hyundai Motor Group, said Friday it will build two kinds of wheeled armored vehicles for the South Korean Army by 2020.

Hyundai Rotem inked the 390.7 billion-won (US$357 million) order with the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) and will build the wheeled armored vehicles at its plant in Changwon, about 400 kilometers south of Seoul, the company said in a statement.

The two models are the K806 and the K808, the company said without giving the number of ordered wheeled armored vehicles.

Based on the contract, the company aims to export the wheeled armored vehicles to overseas markets, such as the Middle East, Latin America and Southeast Asia, from next year, it said.
Ogden has been screaming that the USMC needs to do a design study to see if a 6x6 version of whatever wins the ACV should be conducted to see if we can get a future replacement for the LAV-2 at the same well as get a bit of vehicle commonality to save on maintenance/sustainment...but that thinking seems to be missing from what HQMC considers a priority.

The S. Koreans seem sold on the concept though.  We'll see how this goes.  Consider this another example of how others are doing it faster than we are. Think about it like this.  If you go back to the Marine Personnel Carrier days (MPC) then we're behind by about 7 years.  If you go back to when the ACV was first mouthed (and remember it was an off the shelf buy) then we're behind by only 5.  The problem?  Brazil and now S. Korea have scratch built vehicles and will have them into service before we get our "off the shelf buys" thru testing.

Friday, December 08, 2017

Politics Talk. Alcee Hastings in the noose now? This WILL BE interesting!

Shit Is About To Get Real!

Alcee Hastings is a senior member of the Congressional Black Caucus.  They could get rid of Conyers because it was convenient.  He was old, he was slipping mentally and they wanted to make room on a powerful committee for younger members.

The same could be said of Franken.  Never mind the fact that the allegations came before he was in Congress.  That was just what the Democrats needed to pressure the Republicans on Moore.  Franken needed to take one for the he did.

But now.  What do they do with Hastings?  How do they handle this?  Even worse?  The news came out late Friday nite which means that it will be the top news all weekend whether the news media wants it to be or not!

Via Roll Call.
The Treasury Department paid $220,000 in a previously undisclosed agreement to settle a lawsuit alleging sexual harassment that involved Florida Democrat Alcee L. Hastings, according to documents obtained by Roll Call.

Winsome Packer, a former staff member of a congressional commission that promotes international human rights, said in documents that the congressman touched her, made unwanted sexual advances, and threatened her job. At the time, Hastings was the chairman of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, where Packer worked.

Hastings has called Packer’s charges “ludicrous” and in documents said he never sexually harassed her.
Story here. 

If precedent has been set then Hastings must resign right?

Or am I being played and this is the news story to put a pen in this whole thing and immunize the rest of Congress from further accusations?

Reliable sources says up to 40 SENATORS have paid out money to accusers.  That is almost half the Senate!  We could see a mass turnover sparked by accusations alone.

Watch this one people. 

One of two things.  Either women will continue to roll and all men should be afraid or they're about to hit a roadblock and this story will fade.

Gurkhas kick Para ass in Kenya!

via The Sun.
MORE than 100 Paras and Gurkhas fought with poles, bats and heavy machine-gun barrels as a training exercise exploded into mayhem.

The Royal Gurkha Rifles — motto: Better to die than to be a coward — were playing the role of an enemy and hid the cudgels for an ambush.

They lashed out as troops from 3rd Battalion, Parachute Regiment launched their final assault of the eight-week exercise.

The Paras — motto: Ready for Anything — grabbed spare heavy machine-gun barrels to hit back.

Scores were injured. An insider said: “It was like a scene from a football hooligan film. Soldiers were fighting using rifles and spare general purpose machine gun barrels as clubs.

“A few of the guys were hospitalised, and there aren’t many without a bruise or gash.”
Sources said there had been bad blood between the units since a brawl when they faced each other on the same exercise at Archer’s Post base in Nanyuki, Kenya, two years ago.
Story here. 

Jeez.  People talk too much these days.  This kinda shit happens more often than you know and it once never made it to the papers.

Guess those days are over.

Still it doesn't matter for two reasons.

The first, no one appears to have been seriously injured and a little unit cohesion was established while at the same time earning respect from both units toward the other in terms of respect (hopefully).

The second is that if they unified and fought a US Marine Corps unit they'd be handed their asses and the unit motos would change to "mommy make the bad, mean Marine stop"!

Open Comment Post. Dec 8, 2017

1/4 demonstrates amphibious landing capabilities at Steel by Cpl. Brandon Maldonado

Poland shocked by the cost of the Patriot..

via Defense News.
Poland has been pushing toward a purchase of a medium-range air-and-missile defense system for many years, settling on an unprecedented configuration of the Patriot system, but was surprised by the high price tag presented when the U.S. State Department cleared the sale of half of the Patriots Poland plans to buy.

According to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, when it notified Congress last month of the potential sale, the deal could cost the country $10.5 billion for four systems — that is roughly 37 billion zloties — which already exceeds by 7 billion zloties what Poland has said it would spend on the entire program.
Story here.

Two words you should focus on.  Unprecedented Configuration.

My guess.

The Poles wanted something unique, boutique and uber expensive and got surprised at the cost of their wish list.

My speculation.

If they went back to the drawing board and requested something a bit more conventional then they would get a lot closer to the price point they're pushing.

3rd Brigade Combat Team/82nd Airborne loves its light howitzers and Polaris vehicles..

1st Tanks heads out to Steel Knight.

Note.  Combat Cameraman's work was not attributed so no credit can be given.